Entering the port
The main approaches to the port are Porkkala Kallbådan and Sommarö. The channel starts on the southern side of Hästen light and continues from there as a 13 m deep channel, maximum measurements being for a Panamax type vessel. The channel is lit. The channel to the port basin turns northwest from the main channel before the quay of the power station. The location of the port is in the bay of Fagervik (60°01'N, 23°55'E). The depth of the basin is 7.8 m, 10 m and 13 m (MW).
According to the amended EU directive 2005/33/EY, in force from 1.1.2010, vessels staying in a community port for more than 2 hours, berthed or at anchor, loading, unloading or waiting, are obligated to either use fuel with a max. sulphur content of 0.1 %, or have electrical power supplied from the shore network.
GOFREP is a mandatory Ship Reporting System in the international waters of the Gulf of Finland. The system has been established to improve maritime safety, to protect the marine environment, and to monitor compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
More information can be found at Go Frep
VTS, pilotage
VTS is used for monitoring, controlling, advising and guiding shipping movements. It provides the vessels in the area or those entering it with the necessary information and advice on shipping movements. Pilot services are ordered through Finnpilot.
Inkoo belongs to Helsinki VTS, sector 2; VTS channel 09.
Pilot service tel. +358 (0)400 907 977, or pilotorder.south(at)finnpilot.fi.
More information can be found at GoFrep
The pilot is taken on board at Porkkala 59°53'N, 24°11,7'E.
The anchorage place is situated at Porkkala, one mile NW from Inkoo 2 (59°53'N, 24°09'E).
PortNet is a service net administrated by the Finnish Maritime Administration, and which the port uses.. It is meant to assist vessels in port operations, and to provide all parties involved information about port activities, customs formalities and navigation.
Vessels´ agents / owners are recommended to give information to the port and the authorities through PortNet mailto:portnet(at)fma.fi.
Notices to the Port
The vessel owner, shipper, cargo receiver or their agents must inform the port in advance about a shipment / cargo to be expected as early as possible and about one week before the shipment at the latest, so that the berthing of a vessel and cargo handling can be arranged.
A vessel arriving into the port or their agent must give advance notice about the arrival as early as possible, but no later than 24 hours before the arrival of the vessel into the port. The preliminary notice is to be given either through the PortNet system or by email to inkooshp(at)inkooshipping.fi.
The security notice of the vessel shall also to be given 24 h before the vessel's arrival into the port, or at the latest before the vessel leaves the previous port if the passage time is less than 24 h. Notice is to be given either through the PortNet system or by email tomailto:inkooshp(at)inkooshipping.fi.
Notice about a vessel's arrival and departure must be given to the port immediately after the vessel´s arrival or departure. The information is to be given either through the PortNet system or by email to inkooshp(at)inkooshipping.fi or by some other way agreed upon.
Map of the Port